Monday, March 31, 2008

Mighty Mouse!

My Apple Wireless Mighty Mouse from Apple has been great!
I have been noticing a starting problem with the scrolling though.
The side buttons are pretty stupid. You have to apply so much pressure to get them to work.
I don't even use them.
But so far it has been great!

Friday, March 28, 2008


I am giving away a great screenrecorder for mac. iShowu!
All you have to do is subscribe and after i get 300 subscribers i will do the giveaway.
I will use a random number generator and it will give me a number.
Then i will look at my subscribers list and see the number of the subscriber that the random number generator gave me and there you go you'll win if your that number subscriber. Good Luck and again all you have to do is subscribe to me on youtube.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Contact Me!

Well if any of you ever feel like contacting me here is some places you can find me.

Aim: Omgitsjuanson

Thats pretty much it.
Hope to talk to you soon.
Note: I just added twitter.


 I jailbroke my ipod 1.1.4
I think im going to do a tutorial.
Its really easy.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


What i got for my birthday:
Hitachi 500 Gig Hard Drive
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
$50 gift card to best buy.
20 Dollars
A day to spend with my family.
Dinner at Olive Garden.
And theres a lot more coming.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

3 More Days!

I'm going to have a party in april too.
My family is going to meet at olive garden on saturday to celebrate my birthday.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


My birthday is coming up!
March 22 baby.
Im definitely going to have a party.
Its going to be the shiz.
Any donations?
Haha. J/k
Well if you do want to donate email me.
or send me a pm.
I wonder what im gonna get.


Google disabled my account for "invalid click activity"
I had a bunch of money too.
I guess people were spamming my ads and they thought i was a harm to their god damn adwords people.
God damn you google. God damn you.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


I went to my friend's birthday party yesterday and it was fucking awesome.
I recorded some of the party.
To see the video click here
Leave a comment!
Oh and im going to post most of newer videos on that account.
So subscribe to it!