Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Well i haven't updated my blog in a while because i have other things to do. Such as hang with girls, got to skateparks, work on skating and etc. Since lacrosse season is over expect a lot more videos on youtube. Also, expect a lot more videos on the omgitsjuanson account. Mostly skate videos because the weather is getting better and we are now recording. So basically i'm going to become more of a nerd now. Like i used to be. Oh and update about the diet i said about in my bored video. I lost 10 pounds! But yeah Later dudes.


Technophobe said...

Hey I was just wondering were you got that dock? Ive seen it everywhere and I cant find. It would make my day if you told me. Thanks

Juan said...

i got this dock at leoparddock.net

Technophobe said...

alright thanks. but my only problem is when i download it, it only comes up with the scurve-I.png. thats it.

Technophobe said...

can you email me the files? i dont know how the blog works, or if you can see my email but its bmm513@gmail.com. Thank you

Juan said...

download dock library and open the folder in the app